Amy Moore, a passionate travel planner with a heart for exploration, was born in the enchanting city of Santa Fe, New Mexico. Her journey into the world of travel began early in life when her family moved to the picturesque town of Afton, Virginia, just as she turned two.
Growing up against the backdrop of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Afton, Amy developed a deep appreciation for nature and a sense of wanderlust that would shape her future. The quaint surroundings and close-knit community laid the foundation for her adventurous spirit.
As the years passed, Amy's love for travel continued to blossom. Her insatiable curiosity led her to explore diverse cultures and landscapes, sparking a desire to share these experiences with others. Amy found her calling as a travel planner.
Amy currently resides in Charlottesville, Virginia, with her loving husband, their delightful daughter, and a lively pack of four dogs that bring joy to their home. The picturesque landscapes of Charlottesville provide the perfect backdrop for a family that thrives on outdoor adventures and cultural exploration.
Amy's expertise in travel planning is not just a profession; it's an art form. With meticulous attention to detail, she crafts personalized itineraries that transform vacations into unforgettable experiences. Her clients, drawn to her contagious enthusiasm, entrust her with the task of weaving together the tapestry of their dream getaways.
Having visited 45 countries and counting, Amy draws inspiration from her own adventures to design unique itineraries for her clients. From the bustling streets of marrakech to the serene landscapes of tuscany, Amy ensures that every trip she plans reflects the individual preferences and dreams of her clients.
Amy’s journey from the charming streets of Santa Fe to the rolling hills of Afton and the vibrant community of Charlottesville mirrors the diverse tapestry of her travel experiences. With each new destination, Amy continues to inspire others to embrace the beauty of the world and the joy of discovery. Her story is a testament to the transformative power of travel and the boundless possibilities that come with an adventurous spirit.